Oh Bother!

Which one of Eyeore's Pals Has his Tail?

Click on the one of the pictures below to find out!

Eyeore's Tail Poll

Who do you think stole Eyeore's tail?

Winnie the Pooh
Kanga & Roo
Christopher Robin

Current Results

Pooh loves to eat honey. Could Eyeore's tail have gotten sticky and icky in one of his honey pots?

Piglet loves to gather acorns. Could he also have gathered Eyeore's tail and baked it into a haycorn pie?

Tigger loves to bounce over muddy puddles. Could he possibly have dropped Eyeore's tail in one?

Eyeore loves to count his thistles. Could his tail have fallen off in the thistle patch?

Kanga and Roo love to pick flowers. Are they using Eyeore's tail as a decorative ribbon to hold the bouquet together?

Christopher Robin loves to fly kites. Is he using Eyeore's tail as the string?

Rabbitt loves to pick carrots. Did he pick up Eyeore's tail on mistake?

Owl loves to read books. Is he using Eyeore's tail as a bookmark?

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COPYRIGHT INFORMATION:The pictures and quoted text contained in these pages, along with the fictional characters Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo, and Christopher Robin, are based on the original works of A. A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepard. The pictures, the text, the characters, and their names are registered trademarks of Dutton Children's Books. Dutton Children's Books in no way endorses this Web site, nor are they affiliated with this page in any way. The information on this page comes in part from Winnie-The-Pooh, Copyright 1926 by E. P. Dutton, Copyright renewal 1954 by A. A. Milne; and from The House At Pooh Corner, Copyright 1928 by E. P. Dutton, Copyright renewal 1956 by A. A. Milne. Those books are published in the United States by Dutton Children's Books, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014.