The Story Continues:

In which Brandon turns two

Hello Sweetpea,

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dearest Sweetpea! Happy Birthday to you!

We celebrated your second birthday today! I still can't believe it has been two whole years. How time flies!

Your Grammie & Grampie, Grandma, The Rea Family, The Shaw Family, Aunt Teri, Aunt Jennie and Elizabeth all came by to wish you a Happy 2nd Birthday! We had cake and games: Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Musical Chairs and a water toss. Then we had a HUGE BBQ. All just for you!

In Februay, I wrote the following in your journal:

"Mommy laughed when you were found sitting at the base of the toliet saying "oh, oh!" later, I found out why! You had put the cordless phone in the toliet and the antenna was stuck under the lid so you couldn't get it out! I tried to dry it, but it was ruined! At an early age of 15 months you were official banned from using the phone!"

You are such a sweet boy. You have the greatest disposition and smile easily. You love our pre-bedtime book reading. Your favorites are Dr. Suess and Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. You also love The Wide Mouthed Bullfrog and The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Very Hungry Bear.

As for television, you LOVE Little Bear, Blue's Clues & Barney. Your favorite foods are hotdogs, macaroni & cheese, chinese food and peanut butter on a spoon (just like mommy). Your so adorable.. I tell you all the time that I love you with my WHOLE heart. Your response is "can I hold your heart?" Of course I say "Yes, but be careful with it!" You also are so smart. You count to ten, know your ABC's (up to "H"), and can rationalize with the best of them.

You have such a VIVID imagination! If it's not a worm dancing in your hand, its a dinosaur nibbling your finger or an alligator on your foot. You also are convinced that you are the red power ranger (thanks to your cousin CASEY!).

This growing up thing is happening WAY too fast. I have to admit I'm loving EVERY minute of it!

Until number 3!

Love you with my WHOLE heart! (and yes you can hold it)

